Interested in being a sponsor of the inaugural Daredevil Arts Festival?
To produce this festival and offer accessible ticket pricing, we need our community's support!
Whether you are a business or an individual, we have various tiers and benefits available for you.
Please contact us at to enroll and learn more.
Sponsorship Levels
- 2 All-Access Festival Passes
- Your name listed as a Supporter under Special Thanks on our website & program
- 4 All-Access Festival Passes
- Your name listed as a Partner under Special Thanks on our website & program
- Your Logo / Image included on all upcoming promotional materials (physical and digital)
- 8 All-Access Festival Passes
- Your name listed as a Partner under Special Thanks on our website & program
- Your Logo / Image included on all upcoming promotional materials (physical and digital)
- Special shout-out in pre-show announcements before every performance.